Thursday, March 12, 2015
Whoa, here we are again. It seems like just yesterday I sat down right here to email you all. Way crazy. Time just flies by (I think I say this in every single letter, but it is so true).
This week was a busy and fun one. This Tuesday we actually had an apostle come speak to us in our devotional. It was Elder Quentin L. Cook. Its was too amazing. I had a hard time writing notes during the devotional since it was just so cool you know? Afterwards we had a great devotional review, though.
Yesterday was a little tough because we had to teach three lessons. First one with Yamashita-san went so well. I told the story about how I was lost before my mission and I was talking to him about how Tim influenced my decision to go. I cried a little bit but I felt so good. The Spirit is a marvelous thing. That is something huge that I’ve learned here. We are just the tools—the Spirit is the one teaching. I am still trying to be myself while teaching but it is hard due to the language. The other two lessons went great as well, even our TRC lesson on Monday went great. We haven’t had a bad lesson in a long time which is a blessing. My favorite parts of the lessons are when I put down the notes and just go wherever the Spirit feels like I should go.
We also hosted yesterday, which was picking up the new missionaries when they get dropped off. (Though it was sad that the person I picked up was going stateside and is leaving before me.) Just like they did for me. It reminded me of how much they throw at you the first day. You barely have any time to think. But maybe that’s a good thing. lol
Other than that I did not do very much this week besides study. We have three weeks left here. It is surreal that I will be in Japan in just three weeks. Don’t think it has sunk in yet. I think that maybe we will get our travel plans next week.
I read my first journal entry last night. It is crazy how much progress I’ve made since then. I am grateful to be called to serve in Japan and I can’t wait to teach the people there!