Hello everyone, greetings from Omuta, Fukuoka. My new companion is Elder Oliviera, a guy from Brazil. He is really cool too. It seems like we will work well together. He is also the district leader so that will be interesting as well.
Well Omuta is a nice place. It was really sad leaving Tokuyama and I’m not gonna lie, I miss them quite a bit. I hope one day I will get to see them again. Omuta is a pretty small down, this area consists of two major cities, Omuta and Arao. We are on the border between Kumamoto prefecture and Fukuoka prefecture. The branch here is quite small and is kinda on life support. There are not many priesthood holders here (about 3) so we do a lot of stuff on our own. The branch president is actually a couple missionary assigned to this area. It’s a little crazy because they will get released in January and there is no one to fill his shoes. So we have been working hard to find another priesthood holder.
The past couple days we met with some of our investigators. We have one really solid girl who seems like she can get baptized at any time. She is super prepared and knows it is true. She struggles a little with coming to church because of some illness she has but she is reading and praying everyday! She actually was going to get baptized but on the day of her baptism she could not make it because she had to go to the hospital. So we are working with her right now to make another baptism date.
One cool thing we did this week was on the day after I came here (Friday). We went to this hospital to teach English to some of the disabled children there—the ones who are always stuck in a wheelchair and can’t really move without help. They were so skinny and it was heartbreaking, Though it was so much fun that we were able to do that.
That’s some of the things that have been happening over here. This seems like an interesting area. I should be here for a while probably. Love you all and I can’t wait to hear from you all next week.
Elder Bryce